Award-winning consultancy Navigate has been announced as BIAZA’s marketing partner.
The agreement sees Navigate provide communications support and guidance to BIAZA’s upcoming accreditation programme.
Dr Jo Judge, CEO of BIAZA, said:
“Over this year and the coming year, we can expect some of the most exciting changes the BIAZA community has seen as we drive forward excellence in animal care, conservation education, and research. I know we will really value Navigates' experience and insights as they help steer us through this exciting period for the sector.”
Navigate will provide the BIAZA Executive Office with strategic consultancy, enabling BIAZA to deliver an ambitious accreditation programme.
Navigate offers strategic insight and innovation through consultancy and marketing services to brands that help people explore, protect and connect to the natural world.
Over its two-decade history, Navigate has worked with a range of BIAZA members, such as Trentham Monkey Forest, the Zoological Society of East Anglia, the National Marine Aquarium, and the Hawk Conservancy Trust to name a few. Navigate has a track record of growing visitors, income, and impact for iconic organisations both in the UK and around the world.
Anthony Rawlins, CEO of Navigate said:
“BIAZA members are the best zoos and aquariums in the UK and uphold the highest animal welfare standards. Many have conservation at their heart and as their core focus, and we’re excited to work with this fantastic organisation and with these essential conservation brands across the UK.
Research, species stewardship, reintroduction programmes, essential breeding programmes, habitat restoration - above all, educating humans on the importance of our natural world and our responsibility for its protection. The more people we can encourage to visit BIAZA members and support these conservation destinations- the better. ”
Look out for Navigate at BIAZA events and in our communications.
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