Opinions on email marketing have ebbed and flowed for years now, some think it’s dead and others believe it’s the best way to communicate. Both can be true, but the truth is a well-structured email campaign can reach audiences in ways that some other methods just can’t! Here are some of the top benefits you may be able to reach with a good email campaign.

Ability to market segment means making yourself valuable to target customers
Market segmentation is always a good idea. It builds respect and trust with potential customers by making content relevant and personal. Instead of another piece of spam mail, you become a resource they associate with the value you provide, regardless of whether they have purchased from you yet or not. Segmentation can be the difference between building a relationship and capturing customers or being another company in their inbox. Make yourself a higher priority and cast your marketing net a little deeper rather than a little wider to make yourself a valuable resource.
Creating personalised content can build relationships based on the stage they are at.
Personalisation can be as simple as including code to input the receiver name, which is proven to have a higher clickthrough rate than those who don’t. It can also be personalised to the segments we just spoke about by sending out one email for first-time customers and one for returning customers. Sending a good email at the right time can impact your campaigns, and personalising them is a great way to make sure it reaches the right people.
Tracking email trends means you can be in their inbox, not their spam.
Open rates can tell you a lot about audience interests and how they relate to the themes of your emails. Creating content, based on readers' interests, can mean you draw customers into blogs, white papers or webinars. Customers will open your emails to use you for information they need, so you cut through the clutter. It becomes a cycle when the more interesting information you send, the more they open, and the more you learn about your customers. This feedback will allow you to capture their attention and drive traffic where you may choose to direct it. It can even help to drop the calls to action for an email or two and connect with them on a deeper, more personal level.
Drip marketing and timely campaigns mean you can always be there in the back of their mind.
Staying in customer inboxes means you are also more likely to be in their minds when they're ready to purchase. Drip marketing can keep customers interested and coming back, allowing you to showcase yourself, provide value and target your buyer personas. Time and cost-effective drip campaigns mean you don’t need to spend as much time responding to emails. Traditional marketing can also take far more time to organise than email marketing, allowing you to create shorter campaigns to target the people you want far quicker.
If you want return customers (and being honest, who doesn’t?), email marketing can be an approach that provides value even when customers aren’t purchasing. Since it’s often opt-in, targeted customers are more likely to be genuinely interested, providing them with a continuous value that results in a higher ROI. The opt-out option or the ability to unsubscribe means often those you lost weren’t your target market anyway. These unsubscribers aren't a loss, think of it as filtration of the uninterested. If you want to create meaningful connections with customers who care what you have to say, some people won’t want a part of it. You weren't trying to target in the first place.

Though these are some of the great benefits you can receive from email marketing, top tips to remember when creating them are:
- Use compelling subject lines
- Segment and personalise to your target audience,
- Get personal to build deeper relationships
- Use a CTA where you can
- Remind customers about upcoming events
- Keep your emails concise